Our commitment lies on providing opportunities for poor individuals to change their lives for the better.

3 children smiling

Humanitarian Vision for the Poor focuses on reaching out to the poor, especially the children, starting in Liberia.

We have personally witnessed how poverty affects the quality of living of individuals in the said country. We want to be the game-changer and contribute to the upliftment of the lives of these people. Our humanitarian projects are implemented in villages, districts in the various counties within the country.

Give us a call at 612-275-6493 or 623-423-6461 to learn more about how you can contribute to our humanitarian cause.

The Humanitarian Vision for the Poor Organization



Section 1-1 Name

The name of this organization is The Humanitarian Vision for the Poor, hereinafter referred to as the, hereinafter referred to as “Texas Division”.


Section 2-1 General Purposes

It is the purpose of the Organization, consistent with these Articles, to assist the Organization connection with all of the programs carried on in participating states of the United States, in cooperation with the Board, to assist with all Humanitarian Vision for the Poor activities in Liberia, and the world.

Section 2-2 Relation to The Humanitarian Vision for the Poor Organization

The Members of Board is not independent; Members of the Board is part of the organization, created by act of the duly appointed governing authority, and the founder, Chief Executive Director. The organization functions and operate as a fundraising and volunteer service organization. A designated Member of the Board will serve as Head of the organization in every state within the United States.


Section 3-1 Types of Membership

The Membership of the Organization shall consist of the following:

(A) Chief Executive Director: President of the organization in each State , the Members are Representative of the organization that are part of the organization, are recognized by the Organization designated by the Organization. His/her primary responsibility is to act as a liaison between The Humanitarian Vision for the Poor. It is the duty of the Representative to explain all policies and procedures.

(B) Regular Members: Outstanding Men and Women in the United States and Africa not employed by The Humanitarian Vision for the Poor, who by their influence or activity can further the work of the Organization may be Members. The number of Members shall be unlimited.

Section 3-2 Term of Membership

Unless otherwise provided by the Organization, all Members shall be entitled to vote for Board Members and shall have an indefinite term of Membership.

Section 3-3 Resignation and Removal

Resignation: A member of the Board may resign by giving written notice of his/her resignation to the Chief Executive Director of the Organization.

Removal; A Member is subject to removal at any Meeting of the Executive Committee, or at any time by the Chief Executive Director by notification one week before the Meeting. The Chief Executive Director shall notify a Member of her removal.

Section 3-4 Membership Dues: Failure to Pay Dues

Members, including Members of the Board, are to pay a membership fee every year, and meeting dues stipulated. Any Member, after having been contacted, who fails to pay her Membership Dues within three months following the date they are due shall forfeit her membership and be dropped from the club roll.

Reinstatement: A Member who has resigned or has failed to pay dues is eligible for reinstatement upon payment of Membership Dues.

Section 3-5 New Member Dues

Any new Member joining and paying Membership Dues of the current year shall be valid for the remainder of the current year.


Section 4-1 Notice of Meeting

Each Member and Board Members shall be notified of the day, time and Means of all meetings prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, e.g. by email, Facebook, Teleconference notification or telephone.

Section 4-2 Presence of Representative

Every General Meeting should be attended by a Representative from all the States that are members or member designated.

Section 4-3 Regular Meetings

Regular monthly General Meetings are to be conducted at the end of each month with the exception of Holidays, if so desired (due to Holiday activities), or as deemed necessary by the Organization.

Section 4-4 Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Board may be called by President of a branch, Members of the Board or the Representative, or a majority of the Executive Board.

Section 4-5 Annual Meetings

The date of the Annual General Meeting of the Organization election of Board Members, and nominees for Board members should be sent to the Chief Executive Director before the Annual Meeting in January.

Section 4-6 Quorums/Assembly

At all regular General Meetings, 50% of all Members shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a Quorum for the meeting. The act of a majority of the Members present at a General Meeting having an Assembly shall be the act of the Organization except in the case of amending the Bylaws in motions requiring 75% of members to vote to change or amend the Bylaws.

Section 4-7 Order of Business

The order of business at any General Meeting, unless waived by the Chief Executive Director, shall be:

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation/Prayer
  • Reading of the Minutes/Agenda
  • Financial Report from the Board on Treasurer’s Report
  • Committee Reports from various committee of the organization
  • Unfinished Business/pending projects
  • New Business/suggestions
  • Adjournment/ end of the meeting reschedule the next meeting

Matters of policy and suggestion for projects are action taken by the Members of the Board are presented for approval at the regular General Meetings for the Humanitarian Vision for the Poor.

ARTICLE V –Officials

Teenagers Young Team Together Cheerful Concept.

Section 5-1 Officials

The Officials shall be Chief Executive Director, Chairman of the Board – Membership, President of each for the branch in each state with their officials, Chief for Operation -Members, Chief for Finance – Member, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, and other local officials, members may be authorized by Branch President in each state of the Organization.

Election: The Officers shall be elected at the General Meeting and installed at the Annual General Meeting to serve without compensation until the date their successors are elected.

The Officers are eligible to succeed themselves, provided, however, that no person may hold the same office for more than two years.

Resignation of Office: An Officer may resign by submitting her resignation in writing either to the President in that state or by the Chief Executive Director.

Section 5-2 Duties of Officers

(A) Chief Executive Director, Founder: The CEO shall preside at all General Meetings of the organization Executive Board and shall be a Member ex officio of all committees. The CEO may designate another Board Member as a member ex officio of one or more of such committees in her stead. The CEO and her appointed designee shall be a voting member of the Advisory Board and attend all Board Meetings to report on the Organization. The CEO shall appoint the Chairman of each Committee. The CEO shall appoint a President of the organization in each state. The CEO shall have the power to create special committees subject to the approval of the Board members and the Executive Committee.

(B) President – Membership: President for the organization in each state shall assist the CEO and perform the duties of the President, or CEO in the latter’s absence. He/She shall serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee and maintain the Membership Roster of each state under the organization.

(C) Official of the Board COO – Programs: The COO of the Board shall preside in the absence of the President. His/her shall serve as Chairman of the Programs Committee.

(D) Official of the Board CFO – Projects: The CFO shall preside in the absence of the President, the 1st COO. He/her shall serve as Chairman of the Projects Committee

(E) Project Committee – Fundraising: shall preside in the absence of the President, the 1st Vice any official. He/She shall serve as the Chairman of the Fundraising Committee.

(F) Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall attend and keep a record of all General Meetings of the organization and the Executive Board; He/she shall transmit copies of the Minutes to the Membership, and to the Board of Director. The Organization will then transmit the minutes through the Board to the CEO Headquarters. In the event of the Secretary’s absence from any General

Meeting of the Auxiliary or the Executive Board, the CEO shall designate another member to act as Recording Secretary.

(G) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the bank or banks designated by The Organization, to the account in Arizona for the deposit of the particular funds, in every case in an account identified as “Humanitarian Vision for the Poor. Working with the Finance Committee Chairman, He/she shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board. Record of Receipts and Expenditures: He/She shall keep an itemized record of all receipts and expenditures in a permanent file to be kept with the CEO, at headquarter.

Annual Audit: She shall submit the financial records for audit annually by the Board members of The Organization.

Approval of Expenditures: Any expenditure over $100 must be approved by the CEO and recommended to the Board for their recommendation and approval.

Fund Raising Methods: All fund-raising methods shall be in keeping with Salvation Army policy and
practice – see ArticleVII, Section 7-4 (iv) and Article IX, Section 9-3.

(I) Chaplain: The Chaplain shall present a Devotional at the beginning of each monthly General Meeting and at the beginning of each Executive Board Meeting.


Section 6-1 Standing Committees

There shall be six standing committees of the Service organization: Executive Committee, Nominating Committee, Fundraising Committee, Finance Committee, Projects Committee, and Membership Committee. Special committees may be designated from time to time pursuant to resolutions of the Service League.

Section 6-2 Number of Members

The number of members of each committee, other than the Nominating Committee, shall not be fixed, provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall have not less than five members.

Executive Committee: The Members of the Executive Committee shall consist of the elected Officers and the Representative. The Executive Board is expanded to include Committee Chairmen and other appointees as deemed necessary by the President of each state.

Appointment: The members of the committees other than the Nominating Committee will be appointed acting to serve until the Annual General Meeting.

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall have five Members, two of whom shall be from the Executive Committee, CEO and three of whom shall be Members from the branch of the organization general membership.

Section 6-3 Officers of Committees

Reporting: The president of each branch of the organization, from each committee will report at each regular General and Annual General Meeting of the Organization on all matters.

Section 6-4 Meetings of Committees

Notice: Committee meetings may be called by the CEO, CFO, COO, President, the Representative, the Chairman of the committee, or any three Members of the committee by giving at least two days’ notice of the date, time, and form of the meeting to all Members of the committee.

The responsibilities of the standing committees are as follows:

(A) Executive Committee: To consider all business requiring attention during the intervals between General Meetings of the Organization, and to approve special committees created by the President and approved by the Representative.

(B) Nominating Committee: To consider and propose to the Service League nominees for Officers of the Organization. Nominees for regular elections will be submitted for a vote at the April General Meeting. Nominees to fill vacancies occurring between Annual General Meetings will be submitted at the next regular General Meeting of the Organization.

(D) Finance Committee: To acquaint itself with the financial needs of the community and the Service Extension Unit; to recommend to the Organization means for raising necessary funds.

(E) Project Committee: To research and prioritize the needs of the community in conjunction with The Board and the Organization. To carry out those projects approved by the CEO, Executive Board.

Section 6-6 Permanent Records

All records of the Organization are to be retained permanently in the office of the CEO, Founder.


Section 7-1 Dues

The Dues to be paid by Members of the Organization shall be fixed from time to time by the Organization.

Section 7-2 Deposit of Dues

Dues paid by Members and all other funds raised by the Organization shall be deposited and disbursed as provided in Section 5-2 (F)

Section 7-3 Audit of Financial Records

The financial records of the Organization shall be subject to audit annually by the CEO, Executive Board of the Organization.

Section 7-4 Restrictions Relating to Property

Neither the Service League nor any Officer of Committee of the Service League has power or is authorized:

(A) to own or hold title to the property of any kind, real or personal, devoted to or received for the benefit of The Salvation Army’s activities.

(B) to sell or otherwise dispose of any property of The Salvation Army or to invest any funds intended for use in Salvation Army activities.

(C) To accept, execute, or deliver any document in the name of or in behalf of The Salvation Army except as expressly authorized in writing by The Salvation Army, such documents, including those relating to litigation, gifts, bequests, or contracts, being required to be transmitted to the Texas Division through the Hood County Service Unit Advisory Council for appropriate action.

(D) To sell donated items designated for free distribution by The Salvation Army.

Section 7-5 Confirmation of Financial Statements

All financial statements by the Service League to the public, to a funding body or fund appeal, in connection with a local report, shall, after approval of the Texas Division, be signed by the President and Treasurer and released.


Section 8-1 Coordination by Advisory Board

The Hood County Advisory Board shall be presented for approval and coordination all fundraising, planning of budgets, and publicity activities of the Service League.

Section 8-2 Membership Ex Officio on Advisory Board

The President of the Service League and her designee shall be members ex officio of the Advisory Board. In addition, a WSL member will be elected by the general membership in May of each year to serve as a voting member of the Advisory Board. The WSL will hold two voting positions on the Advisory Board.


Veteran Salutes the US Flag

Section 9-1 Alcoholic Beverages

The Salvation Army has long been recognized for its stand on total abstinence. Salvationists have pledged themselves to abstain from the use of all intoxication beverages. In view of this position, it is inappropriate for anyone to arrange for the sale, dispensing of or consumption of alcoholic beverages at any activity associated with The Salvation Army. Advisory organizations and other groups supportive of The Salvation Army should exercise their influence in planning civic and other activities benefiting the organization to preclude the serving or alcoholic beverages and also to avoid the publishing of cookbooks containing recipes which include alcoholic beverages.

Section 9-2 Conflict of Interest

(A) Members of advisory organizations and other groups supportive of The Salvation Army shall exercise good faith in all transactions touching upon their duties in an advisory capacity. They shall be held to a strict rule of honest and fair dealing between themselves and The Salvation Army. They shall not use their position or knowledge gained there from so that a conflict might arise between the interest of The Salvation Army and that of the individual.

(B) All acts of such persons shall be for the best interest of The Salvation Army.

(C) Such persons shall not accept nor offer any gifts, favors, or hospitality that might influence decision making or actions affecting The Salvation Army.

(D) Although it is recognized that a degree of the duality of interest may exist from time to time, such duality shall not be permitted to influence adversely the decision-making process of The Salvation Army. To this end, any person subject to this policy shall promptly report the possible existence of a conflict of interest for himself/herself or any other persons subject to the policy. The report shall be made to the Chief Executive Officer of The Salvation Army Advisory Organization.

(E) A full disclosure of all facts pertaining to any transaction that is subject to any doubt concerning the possible existence of a conflict of interest shall be made before consummating the transaction.

(F) Where any expression of conflict of interest seems even remotely possible, the person/persons potentially involved shall remove himself/themselves from any processes leading to recommendations or decision making.

Section 9-3 Gambling

The Salvation Army is acutely aware of the suffering and deprivation visited upon thousands of persons as a result of gambling, which seeks gain at the expense of others, solely on the basis of chance.

Experience indicates that many who gamble disregard their primary responsibilities in life and frequently bring embarrassment and hurt to those dependent on them. Its continued practice often leads to grosser excesses and tends to undermine the personality and character of the gambler.

Official sanction and public acceptance of this practice is contrary to Christian principles to which The Salvation Army subscribes.

Therefore, the Service League, in keeping with the spirit and standards of The Salvation Army, shall not promote gambling in any form for the purpose of raising funds. All games of chance are included in this restriction.

Section 9-4 Gratuities

Orders and Regulations for Officers of The Salvation Army prohibit officers from earning outside income or receiving gifts. To maintain and undergird the high integrity of officers, and to prevent any possible misunderstandings, board members are advised that any expression of appreciation they may wish to give to Salvation Army officers and/or employees for any reason and on any occasion is best provided through a gift to Salvation Army funds or an article that may be used by a corps or other Salvation Army center.

Employees of The Salvation Army may not accept cash payments or gifts-in-kind from those doing business with The Salvation Army, whether or not such payments are characterized as “gifts”.

Both officers and employees may, on occasion (such as Christmas), accept token non-cash gifts, such as fruit, flowers or candy.


Section 10-1 Award of Excellence

The nationally approved Women’s Service League Award of Excellence may be presented to an outstanding Member of at least ten years, whose influence in community life, support of Salvation Army endeavors, and leadership qualities are of the highest caliber and reflect the spirit and service of The Salvation Army.

The Representative and President of the Service League may recommend this honor to be endorsed by the Hood County Service Unit Advisory Council and the Divisional Director of Service Extension.

Section 10-2 Personal Recognition

An individual Service League may provide recognition of Members.

Section 10-3 Service League Emblem

The official emblem of The Salvation Army Women’s Service League should be on all forms of recognition (e.g. plagues, certificates, Service League letterhead, Membership Roster, etc.)

Section 10-4 Service League Pin

When nationally approved, a Service League pin may be made available.


Two African children showing their palms asking begging for some

Section 11-1 Organization and Reorganization

The procedure for the original organization of a Women’s Service League and for the reorganization of a Service League in existence on the date on which The Salvation Army may issue revisions to these Articles will be governed by the “Organizational Procedures” contained in The Salvation Army Manual of Advisory Organizations.

11-2 Revision of Articles

These Articles are subject to revision from time to time by The Salvation Army.

11-3 Definitions

The term “The Salvation Army” used herein means The Salvation Army corporation having jurisdiction in the community, as described in The Salvation Army Manual of Advisory Organizations. The terms “Representative”, “Division Service Extension Unit”, “Texas Division/Command”, “Divisional Headquarters”, and “advisory organizations” are used herein as the same as used in said manual. The terms “Advisory Council” and “association” as used herein means The Salvation Army Advisory Council and The Salvation Army Association, respectively, organized in the community.


Section 12 – 1 Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Service League in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, or the rules and regulations of The Salvation Army.


Section 13 – 1 Amendment of Bylaws

Proposed amendments of the Bylaws must be presented at any regular General Meeting or special meeting of the Service League by a two-thirds vote, a Quorum is present, provided notice of a proposed change was given at the previous regular General Meeting and in writing to the Membership through the Newsletter. Once the proposed amendment(s) have been approved by the WSL, it will be transmitted to the Hood County Service Unit Advisory Council for approval and sent to Divisional Headquarters for appropriate action.

Section 13 – 2 Salvation Army Amendments

Any changes to the Bylaws necessitated by amendments from The Salvation Army shall be affected by the Bylaws Committee and reported to the Executive Committee at their regular General Meeting and to the Membership through the Newsletter.